KoolUploader - PHP Ajax File UploadKoolUploader - PHP Ajax File UploadFullVersion released on 25/11/2016

Features - Set Max FileSize

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*Note: Please test uploading with *.txt, *.doc, *.pdf, *.jpg, *.gif
*Note: The above uploader is set max filesize to 500KB

Description & Sample code

KoolUploader supports setting max filesize that allow to upload. In above example, the max file size of KoolUploader is set to 500KB, which mean user will not able to upload a file with size more than 500KB. To set this, you need to put size in byte to maxFileSize property.

*Note: The maxFileSize is only effective in max upload limitation of PHP . Setting maxFileSize to 100MB does not mean that you can upload 100MB. The max file size also depends on following setting of PHP:

  • max_execution_time: If the uploading time is over max_execution_time, the page not found error may happen.
  • max_input_time : Limit the input upload time
  • post_max_size : Limit the max of form post.
  • upload_max_filesize : Directly limit the max file size of uploading