KoolChart - Excellent PHP Chart and GraphKoolChart - Excellent PHP Chart and GraphFullVersion released on 25/11/2016

Functionality - Gap and Ratio

* Note:Generate your own chart with Code Generator

Description & Sample code

To set a chart's gap ratios or padding, please use the following properties:
    $chart = new KoolChart("KoolChart1");
        'BarGapRatio' => 0.5,
        'CategoryGapRatio' => 0.4,
        'pad' => [20, 20, 20, 20],
    $chart = new KoolChart('KoolChart1');
    $s = $chart->getSetting();
    $s["Pad"] = [0, 0, 0, 0];
    $s["BarGapRatio"] = 0.5;
    $s["CategoryGapRatio"] = 0.4;
To set pie series's various options, please use the following properties:
    $series = new PieSeries("Browsers");	
        "ExplodedRatio" => 1.15,
        "PieLabel" => array(
            "ArcTickGap" => 5,
            "ArcTickSize" =>  15,
            "LabelTickGap" => 5,
            "LabelTickSize" => 10,
    $series = new PieSeries("Browsers");
    $s = $series->getSetting();
    $s["ExplodedRatio"] = 1.15;
    $s["PieLabel"]["ArcTickGap"] = 5;
    $s["PieLabel"]["ArcTickSize"] = 15;
    $s["PieLabel"]["LabelTickGap"] = 5;
    $s["PieLabel"]["LabelTickSize"] = 10;