You have too much data and so tired of moving to disired page. In this situation, new feature Virutal Scrolling of KoolGrid will save you much time. When the feature is turned on, you just need to scroll down and data will be load automatically.
$grid->MasterTable->VirtualScrolling = true;
*Note: The AllowScrolling must be set to true.
require $KoolControlsFolder."/KoolAjax/koolajax.php";
$koolajax->scriptFolder = $KoolControlsFolder."/KoolAjax";
require $KoolControlsFolder."/KoolGrid/koolgrid.php";
require $KoolControlsFolder."/KoolGrid/ext/datasources/MySQLiDataSource.php";
$ds = new MySQLiDataSource($db_con);//This $db_con link has been created inside KoolPHPSuite/Resources/runexample.php
$ds->SelectCommand = "select customerNumber,customerName,phone from customers";
$grid = new KoolGrid("grid");
$grid->scriptFolder = $KoolControlsFolder."/KoolGrid";
$grid->DataSource = $ds;
$grid->AjaxEnabled = true;
$grid->Width = "655px";
$grid->PageSize = 25;
$grid->RowAlternative = true;
$grid->AutoGenerateColumns = true;
$grid->AllowScrolling = true;
$grid->MasterTable->Height = "320px";
$grid->MasterTable->VirtualScrolling = true;
$grid->MasterTable->Pager = new GridPrevNextAndNumericPager();
$grid->MasterTable->Pager->PageOverlap = 5;
<form id="form1" method="post">
<?php echo $koolajax->Render();?>
<?php echo $grid->Render();?>