In case you have too many tabs, you can easily make the tabstrip scrollable by setting the scroll property. There are 3 allowed values:
- left - Scroll arrow buttons are on the left
- right - Scroll arrow buttons are on the right
- middle - One buttons is on the left, another is on the right
require $KoolControlsFolder."/KoolTabs/kooltabs.php";
$kts = new KoolTabs("kts");
$kts->styleFolder = "hay";
$kts->addTab("root","contactus","Contact us");
$kts->width = "500px";
$sel = "right";
if (isset($_POST["scrolling"]))
$sel = $_POST["scrolling"];
$kts->scroll = $sel;
<form id="form1" method="post">
Select scroll buttons position :
<div style="border:dotted 1px gray;width:150px;height:70px;">
<input type="radio" name="scrolling" id="left" value="left" onclick="submit()" <? if($sel=="left") echo "checked='true'"?> /> <label for="left">Left</label><br />
<input type="radio" name="scrolling" id="right" value="right" onclick="submit()" <? if($sel=="right") echo "checked='true'"?> /> <label for="right">Right</label><br />
<input type="radio" name="scrolling" id="middle" value="middle" onclick="submit()" <? if($sel=="middle") echo "checked='true'"?> /> <label for="middle">Middle</label><br />
<div style="padding:10px;">
<?php echo $kts->Render();?>