KoolButtonKoolButtonFullVersion released on 10/22/2012

Button - KoolLinkButton

Left Image Right Image
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Paste Paste
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Go to google

Description & Sample code

To set text for KoolButton, you do:
$my_linkbutton->Text = "Go to google";

You can set the left image, right image or both:
$my_linkbutton->LeftImage = "path/to/leftimage.png";
$my_linkbutton->RightImage = "path/to/rightimage.png";

You can apply css to the left image and right image by creating your own css and assign to LeftImageCss and RighrImageCss:
$my_linkbutton->LeftImageCss = "my_left_image_css";
$my_linkbutton->RightImageCss = "my_right_image_css";

To add link to link button, you do:

To assign the target window, you do:
$my_linkbutton->Target="_blank";//Open new window

You also can assign function to be executed when clicking button: